diff --git a/class.php b/class.php index c91f409..4cb6821 100644 --- a/class.php +++ b/class.php @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ url = $url; - - // make the curl request and update the path - $request->getHttpCode(); - - // end on an error - if ($request->error) - { - break; - } - - // if we have a redirect to follow, update our working $url - $url = ($request->next) ? $request->next : false; - - // update our code - $code = ($request->code) ? $request->code : false; - - } while ($code != 200); - } -} ?> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/codes.php b/codes.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4400e2a --- /dev/null +++ b/codes.php @@ -0,0 +1,291 @@ + [ + 'label' => 'Informational', + 'start' => '1XX', + 'range' => '199', + 'codes' => [ + 100 => [ + 'name' => 'Continue', + 'desc' => 'Continue the request or ignore the response if the request is already finished.' + ], + 101 => [ + 'name' => 'Switching Protocols', + 'desc' => 'Sent in response to a client\'s Upgrade request header and indicates the protocol the server is switching to.' + ], + 102 => [ + 'name' => 'Processing', + 'desc' => 'Server has received and is processing the request, but no response is available yet.' + ], + 103 => [ + 'name' => 'Early Hints', + 'desc' => 'Intended alongside Link header to let the user agent preconnect or start preloading resources while the server prepares a response.' + ] + ] + ], + 200 => [ + 'label' => 'Successful', + 'start' => '2XX', + 'range' => '299', + 'codes' => [ + 200 => [ + 'name' => 'OK', + 'desc' => 'The request succeeded.' + ], + 201 => [ + 'name' => 'Created', + 'desc' => 'The request succeeded, and a new resource was created as a result.' + ], + 202 => [ + 'name' => 'Accepted', + 'desc' => 'The request has been received but not yet acted upon.' + ], + 203 => [ + 'name' => 'Non-Authoritative Information', + 'desc' => 'Typically for mirrors of original resources, the returned metadata is not exactly the same as is available from the origin server but is collected from a local or a third-party copy.' + ], + 204 => [ + 'name' => 'No Content', + 'desc' => 'There is no content to send for this request, but the headers may be useful.' + ], + 205 => [ + 'name' => 'Reset Content', + 'desc' => 'Tells the user agent to reset the document which sent this request.' + ], + 206 => [ + 'name' => 'Partial Content', + 'desc' => 'Only part of a resource is sent in response to the Range header.' + ], + 207 => [ + 'name' => 'Multi-Status', + 'desc' => 'Conveys information about multiple resources, for situations where multiple status codes might be appropriate.' + ], + 208 => [ + 'name' => 'Already Reported (WebDAV)', + 'desc' => 'Used inside a <dav:propstat> response element to limit repetition.' + ], + 226 => [ + 'name' => 'IM Used', + 'desc' => 'For HTTP Delta encoding when the server has fullfilled a GET request and the response is from 1+ instance manipulations.' + ] + ] + ], + 300 => [ + 'label' => 'Redirection', + 'start' => '3XX', + 'range' => '399', + 'codes' => [ + 300 => [ + 'name' => 'Multiple Choices', + 'desc' => 'The request has more than one possible response and the user agent or user should choose one of them.' + ], + 301 => [ + 'name' => 'Moved Permanently', + 'desc' => 'The URL of the requested resource has been changed permanently. The new URL is given in the response.' + ], + 302 => [ + 'name' => 'Found', + 'desc' => 'URI of the requested resource has been changed temporarily and may change in the future.' + ], + 303 => [ + 'name' => 'See Other', + 'desc' => 'Client should get the requested resource at another URI with a GET request.' + ], + 304 => [ + 'name' => 'Not Modified', + 'desc' => 'For caching purposes, indicating the response has not been modified so the client can use the cached version.' + ], + 305 => [ + 'name' => 'Use Proxy', + 'desc' => 'Deprecated. Indicates the requested response must be accessed via proxy.' + ], + 306 => [ + 'name' => '(Reserved)', + 'desc' => 'Unused and now reserved. Previously in the HTTP/1.1 spec.' + ], + 307 => [ + 'name' => 'Temporary Redirect', + 'desc' => 'Client should get the requested resource at another URI via the same method. Similar to 302 but the request method must stay the same.' + ], + 308 => [ + 'name' => 'Permanent Redirect', + 'desc' => 'Response is now permanently located at a new URI included in the Location: header. Similar to 301 but the request method must stay the same.' + ] + ] + ], + 400 => [ + 'label' => 'Client Error', + 'start' => '4XX', + 'range' => '499', + 'codes' => [ + 400 => [ + 'name' => 'Bad Request', + 'desc' => 'Server will not process the request due to an unspecified error by the client.' + ], + 401 => [ + 'name' => 'Unauthorized', + 'desc' => 'More accurately, "unauthenticated."' + ], + 402 => [ + 'name' => 'Payment Required', + 'desc' => 'Reserved for future use in digital payment systems.' + ], + 403 => [ + 'name' => 'Forbidden', + 'desc' => 'Client is unauthorized and does not have access rights to the resource.' + ], + 404 => [ + 'name' => 'Not Found', + 'desc' => 'Server cannot find the requested resource. One of the most common response headers after 200.' + ], + 405 => [ + 'name' => 'Method Not Allowed', + 'desc' => 'Request method is known by the server but is not supported by the target resource. Common in APIs.' + ], + 406 => [ + 'name' => 'Not Acceptable', + 'desc' => 'Server performs content negotiation with the client and does not find content that meets the user agent\'s criteria.' + ], + 407 => [ + 'name' => 'Proxy Authentication Required', + 'desc' => 'Similar to 401 Unauthorized but authentication is needed to be done by a proxy.' + ], + 408 => [ + 'name' => 'Request Timeout', + 'desc' => 'Server shuts down an unnused connection by the client.' + ], + 409 => [ + 'name' => 'Conflict', + 'desc' => 'Request conflicts with the current state of the server.' + ], + 410 => [ + 'name' => 'Gone', + 'desc' => 'Requested resource has been permanently deleted from server, with no forwarding address.' + ], + 411 => [ + 'name' => 'Length Required', + 'desc' => 'Server rejected the request because the Content-Length header field is not defined and the server requires it.' + ], + 412 => [ + 'name' => 'Precondition Failed', + 'desc' => 'Client has indicated preconditions in its headers which the server does not meet.' + ], + 413 => [ + 'name' => 'Payload Too Large', + 'desc' => 'Request entity is larger than limits defined by server.' + ], + 414 => [ + 'name' => 'URI Too Long', + 'desc' => 'URI requested by the client is longer than the server is willing to interpret.' + ], + 415 => [ + 'name' => 'Unsupported Media Type', + 'desc' => 'Media format of the requested data is not supported by the server.' + ], + 416 => [ + 'name' => 'Range Not Satisfiable', + 'desc' => 'Size specified by the Range header field in the request cannot be fulfilled.' + ], + 417 => [ + 'name' => 'Expectation Failed', + 'desc' => 'Expectation indicated by the Expect request header field cannot be met by the server.' + ], + 418 => [ + 'name' => 'I\'m a teapot', + 'desc' => 'Server refuses the attempt to brew coffee with a teapot. Reference to Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol defined in April Fools\' jokes in 1998 and 2014!' + ], + 421 => [ + 'name' => 'Misdirected Request', + 'desc' => 'Request was directed at a server that is not able to produce a response.' + ], + 422 => [ + 'name' => 'Unprocessable Content (WebDAV)', + 'desc' => 'Request was well-formed but was unable to be followed due to semantic errors.' + ], + 423 => [ + 'name' => 'Locked (WebDAV)', + 'desc' => 'Resource that is being accessed is locked.' + ], + 424 => [ + 'name' => 'Failed Dependency (WebDAV)', + 'desc' => 'Request failed due to failure of a previous request.' + ], + 425 => [ + 'name' => 'Too Early', + 'desc' => 'Reserved for future use. Server is unwilling to risk processing a request that might be replayed.' + ], + 426 => [ + 'name' => 'Upgrade Required', + 'desc' => 'Request currently refused over the current protocol but the server may provide a reponse should the client use a different protocol.' + ], + 428 => [ + 'name' => 'Precondition Required', + 'desc' => 'Origin server requires the request to be conditional.' + ], + 429 => [ + 'name' => 'Too Many Requests', + 'desc' => 'User agent has sent too many requests in a given amount of time (i.e., it\'s rate limited).' + ], + 431 => [ + 'name' => 'Request Header Fields Too Large', + 'desc' => 'Server is unwilling to process the request because its header fields are too large.' + ], + 451 => [ + 'name' => 'Unavailable For Legal Reasons', + 'desc' => 'User agent requested a resource that cannot legally be provided (e.g., web page censored by a government).' + ] + ] + ], + 500 => [ + 'label' => 'Server Error', + 'start' => '5XX', + 'range' => '599', + 'codes' => [ + 500 => [ + 'name' => 'Internal Server Error', + 'desc' => 'Server has encountered a situation it does not know how to handle. One of the most common response codes.' + ], + 501 => [ + 'name' => 'Not Implemented', + 'desc' => 'Request method is not supported by the server and cannot be handled.' + ], + 502 => [ + 'name' => 'Bad Gateway', + 'desc' => 'Server recieved an invalid response while acting as a gateway.' + ], + 503 => [ + 'name' => 'Service Unavailable', + 'desc' => 'Server is not ready to handle the request, commonly due to maintenance downtime or overload.' + ], + 504 => [ + 'name' => 'Gateway Timeout', + 'desc' => 'Server cannot get a response in time while acting as a gateway.' + ], + 505 => [ + 'name' => 'HTTP Version Not Supported', + 'desc' => 'HTTP version used in the request is not supported by the server.' + ], + 506 => [ + 'name' => 'Variant Also Negotiates', + 'desc' => 'Only in Transparent Content Negotiation contexts; server has an internal configuration error where the user agent\'s chosen variant is not available.' + ], + 507 => [ + 'name' => 'Insufficient Storage (WebDAV)', + 'desc' => 'Server is unable to store the representation needed to successfully complete the request.' + ], + 508 => [ + 'name' => 'Loop Detected (WebDAV)', + 'desc' => 'Server detected an infinite loop while processing the request.' + ], + 509 => [ + 'name' => 'Not Extended', + 'desc' => 'Further extensions to the request are required for the server to fulfill it.' + ], + 510 => [ + 'name' => 'Network Authentication Required', + 'desc' => 'Client needs to authenticate to gain network access.' + ] + ] + ] +]; +?> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/index.php b/index.php index 8911572..e3f7fbc 100644 --- a/index.php +++ b/index.php @@ -1,246 +1,140 @@ - Redirect Checker - - + Redirect Checker + + -
- -

Follow URL Redirect Checker

- -
- - -
+ +

Follow URL Redirect Checker

+ +
+ + +
+ path) > 0) { $steps = count($request->path) - 1; $count = ($steps == 1) ? '1 redirect' : $steps.' redirects'; echo "

- Final destination -


- The URL you traced had ".$count." and ended here: -


- getFinalRedirect()."\" target=\"blank\"> - ".$request->getFinalRedirect()." - -


- Redirect trace -

- - - - - - - - - - "; +

Final destination


The URL you traced had ".$count." and ended here:


+ getFinalRedirect()."\" target=\"blank\"> + ".$request->getFinalRedirect()." + +


Redirect trace

+ + + + + + + + "; foreach ($request->path as $step) { $item = $step['step']; $url = $step['url']; $code = $step['code']; - $next = ($step['next']) ? 'Yes' : '--'; + $next = ($step['next']) ? '⥂⇄↩︎' : '✓'; echo " - - - - - - "; + + + + + + "; } echo " - - -
".$item."".$url." ↗︎".$code."".$next."
- User agent: ".$request::USER_AGENT." -
+ + + User agent: ".$request::USER_AGENT." + +
"; } else { echo "

- Trace a URL's redirects -


- Enter a URL in the search box above to derive the final resolved URL after all redirects. The script runs recursive cURL requests until we get a 200 status code. This is helpful to get around link tracking or original URLs that Pi-hole outright blocks (like email links). -


- I used to use wheregoes.com which is a good, reliable service, but decided to roll my own for privacy reasons. Absolutely nothing is logged as all URL searches are via POST and that's not currently included in my nginx logs. -


- Technical details -


- User agent -


- Other cURL settings -


+ Trace a URL's redirects +


+ Enter a URL in the search box above to derive the final resolved URL after all redirects. The script runs recursive cURL requests until we get a 200 status code. This is helpful to get around link tracking or original URLs that Pi-hole outright blocks (like email links). +


+ I used to use wheregoes.com which is a good, reliable service, but decided to roll my own for privacy reasons. Absolutely nothing is logged as all URL searches are via POST and that's not currently included in my nginx logs. +


+ Technical details +


+ User agent +


+ Other cURL settings +

"; } ?>