Sons is plural now!

This commit is contained in:
Andrew Gioia 2022-01-05 17:05:02 -05:00
parent cf2c08550f
commit e4bc3ce7af
2 changed files with 2 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
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"version": "7.0.1",
"description": "Internet homepage for Andrew Gioia, co-founder of TeachBoost.",
"main": "public/index.html",
"private": true,

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
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<meta name="description" content="Hi, Im Andrew Gioia, a Pittsburgh-based designer, tinkerer, and small business owner. I co-founded TeachBoost in 2012 and spend as much time with my sons as possible.">
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