mirror of
synced 2025-01-30 03:34:42 +00:00
Pulled in updates and removed gulpfile.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,129 +1,4 @@
### Custom ###
### macOS ###
# Icon must end with two \r
# Thumbnails
# Files that might appear in the root of a volume
# Directories potentially created on remote AFP share
Network Trash Folder
Temporary Items
### Windows ###
# Windows image file caches
# Folder config file
# Recycle Bin used on file shares
# Windows Installer files
# Windows shortcuts
### Sass ###
### Linux ###
# temporary files which can be created if a process still has a handle open of a deleted file
# KDE directory preferences
# Linux trash folder which might appear on any partition or disk
# .nfs files are created when an open file is removed but is still being accessed
### Node ###
# Logs
# Runtime data
# Directory for instrumented libs generated by jscoverage/JSCover
# Coverage directory used by tools like istanbul
# nyc test coverage
# Grunt intermediate storage (http://gruntjs.com/creating-plugins#storing-task-files)
# node-waf configuration
# Compiled binary addons (http://nodejs.org/api/addons.html)
# Dependency directories
# Optional npm cache directory
# Optional eslint cache
# Optional REPL history
# Output of 'npm pack'
### Bower ###
@ -1,8 +1,4 @@
# Keyrune v1.7.2
This is the SASS (`.scss`) version of Keyrune. If you are looking for the LESS version, please got to the [master branch](https://github.com/andrewgioia/Keyrune/tree/master).
# Keyrune v1.8.0
## The Magic: the Gathering set symbol font!
@ -38,38 +34,35 @@ Attribution is **greatly appreciated** but not required!
## Changelog
* v0.1 - initial font creation and CSS/LESS files for all sets up to Fate Reforged
* v0.2 - all fonts are fluid width now so they will scale correctly without scaled padding; fixed width class added
* v1.0 - public launch via /r/magicTCG! added Dragons of Tarkir (DTK)
* v1.0.1 - Tempest Remastered added (non major set version)
* v1.0.2 - Modern Masters 2015 added
* v1.1.0 - Woff2 support added; Vintage Masters icon added
* v1.2.0 - Cheatsheet added to documentation site; variables changed in LESS files to be Keyrune specific
* v1.3.0 - Magic Origins icon added
* v1.3.1 - Duel Decks: Zendikar v. Eldrazi added
* v1.4.0 - Battle for Zendikar added
* v1.4.1 - Zendikar Expeditions added
* v1.4.2 - Commander 2015 added
* v1.4.3 - Beginning of white border add-on with .ss-border class; renamed font to Keyrune for desktop
* v1.5.0 - Oath of the Gatewatch and Shadows Over Innistrad added
* v1.5.1 - Eternal Masters added
* v1.5.2 - Conspiracy 2: Take the Crown added
* v1.5.3 - FTV: Angels and FTV: Lore
* v1.5.4 - Welcome Deck 2016
* v1.5.5 - Duel Deck: Blessed vs. Cursed added
* v1.5.6 - Added forgotten Salvat 2005 and 2011 (inserts into MTG Encyclopedias)
* v1.6.0 - Eldritch Moon icon added (based on low-res WOTC graphic)
* v1.6.1 - Updated EMN with the official high-res source image
* v1.6.2 - Added Legendary Cube icon; unfortunately there's no official set code
* v1.7.0 - Lots of new sets! Kaladesh, Aether Revolt, Modern Masters 2017, Plancechase Anthology, Commander 2016, and Duel Decks: Nissa v. Ob Nixilis added
* v1.7.1 - Cleaned up icon files to remove any with multiple paths; fixed UNH icon
* v1.8.0 - Amonkhet icon added; re-organized Readme with new updates at top
* v1.7.2 - Added Kaladesh Inventions icon (labeled as MP1)
* v1.7.1 - Cleaned up icon files to remove any with multiple paths; fixed UNH icon
* v1.7.0 - Lots of new sets! Kaladesh, Aether Revolt, Modern Masters 2017, Planechase Anthology, Commander 2016, and Duel Decks: Nissa v. Ob Nixilis added
* v1.6.2 - Added Legendary Cube icon; unfortunately there's no official set code
* v1.6.1 - Updated EMN with the official high-res source image
* v1.6.0 - Eldritch Moon icon added (based on low-res WOTC graphic)
* v1.5.6 - Added forgotten Salvat 2005 and 2011 (inserts into MTG Encyclopedias)
* v1.5.5 - Duel Deck: Blessed vs. Cursed added
* v1.5.4 - Welcome Deck 2016
* v1.5.3 - FTV: Angels and FTV: Lore
* v1.5.2 - Conspiracy 2: Take the Crown added
* v1.5.1 - Eternal Masters added
* v1.5.0 - Oath of the Gatewatch and Shadows Over Innistrad added
* v1.4.3 - Beginning of white border add-on with .ss-border class; renamed font to Keyrune for desktop
* v1.4.2 - Commander 2015 added
* v1.4.1 - Zendikar Expeditions added
* v1.4.0 - Battle for Zendikar added
* v1.3.1 - Duel Decks: Zendikar v. Eldrazi added
* v1.3.0 - Magic Origins icon added
* v1.2.0 - Cheatsheet added to documentation site; variables changed in LESS files to be Keyrune specific
* v1.1.0 - Woff2 support added; Vintage Masters icon added
* v1.0.2 - Modern Masters 2015 added
* v1.0.1 - Tempest Remastered added (non major set version)
* v1.0.0 - public launch via /r/magicTCG! added Dragons of Tarkir (DTK)
* v0.2.0 - all fonts are fluid width now so they will scale correctly without scaled padding; fixed width class added
* v0.1.0 - initial font creation and CSS/LESS files for all sets up to Fate Reforged
## Todo
* New [Coming Soon](http://magic.wizards.com/en/game-info/products/coming-soon) product page has symbols but not the necessary higher res versions
* Figure out what the Legendary Cube official set code is; currently using `xLCU`
* Look into tying a universal `.json` (modified version of mtg.json perhaps) file into the project to allow SASS and JavaScript to share variables.
* This will be useful for programmatically generating a complete glossary page (gh-pages) of icons. (similar to other font-package documentation pages [font-awesome, glyph-icons, google-md, etc]).
* Add a changelog generator to the project(?), reducing the amount of maintenance required to add new sets/features. :)
* Integrate with Mana symbol font project(?) into a singular MtG font package (LESS, and SASS versions).
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"name": "keyrune",
"homepage": "http://andrewgioia.github.io/Keyrune",
"version": "1.7.2",
"version": "1.8.0",
"authors": [
"Andrew Gioia <andrewgioia@gmail.com>"
@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
// gulpfile.js
* Dependencies =================================
* | uses/functions of each are provided indiviudally.
var gulp = require('gulp'), // task runner/manager (even tho this is a small project, it's still nice to have)
sass = require('gulp-sass'), // compiles sass for us
notify = require('gulp-notify'), // notifies us when a gulp task is completed through a system notifcation
rename = require('gulp-rename'), // allows us to rename files (adding prefixes and suffixes is the main use here).
autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer'), // great for catching those annoying vendor prefixes on css attributets and values.
minify = require('gulp-cssnano'), // minify our compiled css. sass can do this natively (kind of), but this is used instead.
del = require('del'), // del is used to cleanup cache and build files.
runseq = require('run-sequence'), // quick and dirty way to run a sequence of tasks AS a task itself. gulp.run is deprecated
merge = require('merge'); // "merge multiple objects into one, optionally creating a new cloned object." -npm repo
* Variables ====================================
* | silly, long, reused paths/dirs go here if needed.
var $supported = [
'last 2 versions',
'safari >= 8',
'ie >= 10',
'ff >= 20',
'ios 6',
'android 4'
* Gulp Tasks ===================================
* | All gulp tasks will be written/explained here.
* Build CSS Task -------------------------------
* | $ gulp build:css
* |
* | 1. compiles scss into css,
* | 2. autoprefix necessary css attributes/values,
* | 3. place compiled file into ./css directory
* | 4. minify prefixed css,
* | 5. rename minified file with a '.min' suffix,
* | 6. place minified file into ./css directory
* | 7. notify on task completion
gulp.task('build:css', function() {
return gulp.src('./sass/**/*.scss')
.pipe(sass({ /* 1. */
outputStyle: 'expanded'
}).on('error', sass.logError))
.pipe(autoprefixer({ /* 2. */
browsers: $supported,
add: true,
cascade: false
.pipe(gulp.dest('./css')) /* 3. */
.pipe(minify({ /* 4. */
discardUnused: { fontFace: false }
.pipe(rename({ /* 5. */
suffix: '.min'
.pipe(gulp.dest('./css')) /* 6. */
.pipe(notify({ /* 7. */
onLast: true,
message: 'build task complete!'
/** Create Config -------------------------------
* | $ gulp gen:configFile
gulp.task('gen:config', function() {
return gulp.src('./sass/config/_variables.scss')
onLast: true,
message: 'generated config file successfully!'
/** Clean Task ----------------------------------
* | $ gulp clean
* |
* | Ensures that all artifacts/remnants of previous build are gone.
gulp.task('clean', function() {
var stream1 = del(['./css/**/*.*']);
var stream2 = del(['./sass/config/_settings.scss']);
return merge(stream1, stream2);
/** Build Task -------------------------------
* | $ gulp build
gulp.task('build', function(){
return runseq(
* Watch Task -----------------------------------
* | $ gulp watch
* |
* | Great for automating compilation during develpoment.
gulp.task('watch', function() {
gulp.watch('./sass/**/*.scss', ['build']);
* Default Task ---------------------------------
* | $ gulp
* | $ gulp default
* |
* | Runs the watch task as a task dependency by default.
gulp.task('default', ['watch']);
@ -2,12 +2,10 @@
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="chrome=1" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/foundation/6.2.3/foundation.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/keyrune.min.css" />
<!-- <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/keyrune.css" /> -->
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/keyrune.css" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, user-scalable=no" />
<style type="text/css">
body {
background: #fff;
@ -20,9 +18,6 @@
margin: 0;
padding: 0 100px;
h1 > small > code { /* i know this is lazy solution lol, but its a quick fix for now. */
font-size: 14px;
h3 {
font-size: 16px;
font-weight: bold;
@ -39,154 +34,39 @@
<!-- header -->
<div class="row column">
<h1>Keyrune <small><code>ver 1.7.2_sass</code></small></h1>
<h2 class="subheader">Set Symbol Demos</h2>
<h2>Set Symbol Demos</h2>
This HTML file is for demo purposes and is not necessary for Keyrune installation or use.
You can view a few of the set symbol font icons and the available examples below
(some may only be available for specific browsers).
</div> <!-- /.row -->
<!-- common examples -->
<div class="row text-center">
<div class="columns small-12 medium-12 large-6">
<h3>Default Setsymbol, Common <small>(w/out gradient)</small></h3>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-common ss-6x"></i>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-common ss-5x"></i>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-common ss-4x"></i>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-common ss-3x"></i>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-common ss-2x"></i>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-common ss-1x"></i>
<h3>Default Setsymbol, Common <small>(w/ gradient)</small></h3>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-common ss-grad ss-6x"></i>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-common ss-grad ss-5x"></i>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-common ss-grad ss-4x"></i>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-common ss-grad ss-3x"></i>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-common ss-grad ss-2x"></i>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-common ss-grad ss-1x"></i>
</div> <!-- /.row -->
<!-- uncommon examples -->
<div class="row text-center">
<div class="columns small-12 medium-12 large-6">
<h3>Default Setsymbol, Uncommon <small>(w/out gradient)</small></h3>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-uncommon ss-6x"></i>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-uncommon ss-5x"></i>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-uncommon ss-4x"></i>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-uncommon ss-3x"></i>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-uncommon ss-2x"></i>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-uncommon ss-1x"></i>
<div class="columns small-12 medium-12 large-6">
<h3>Default Setsymbol, Uncommon <small>(w/ gradient)</small></h3>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-uncommon ss-grad ss-6x"></i>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-uncommon ss-grad ss-5x"></i>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-uncommon ss-grad ss-4x"></i>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-uncommon ss-grad ss-3x"></i>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-uncommon ss-grad ss-2x"></i>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-uncommon ss-grad ss-1x"></i>
</div> <!-- /.row -->
<!-- rare examples -->
<div class="row text-center">
<div class="columns small-12 medium-12 large-6">
<h3>Default Setsymbol, Rare <small>(w/out gradient)</small></h3>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-rare ss-6x"></i>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-rare ss-5x"></i>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-rare ss-4x"></i>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-rare ss-3x"></i>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-rare ss-2x"></i>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-rare ss-1x"></i>
<div class="columns small-12 medium-12 large-6">
<h3>Default Setsymbol, Rare <small>(w/ gradient)</small></h3>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-rare ss-grad ss-6x"></i>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-rare ss-grad ss-5x"></i>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-rare ss-grad ss-4x"></i>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-rare ss-grad ss-3x"></i>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-rare ss-grad ss-2x"></i>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-rare ss-grad ss-1x"></i>
</div> <!-- /.row -->
<!-- mythic examples -->
<div class="row text-center">
<div class="columns small-12 medium-12 large-6">
<h3>Default Setsymbol, Mythic <small>(w/out gradient)</small></h3>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-mythic ss-6x"></i>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-mythic ss-5x"></i>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-mythic ss-4x"></i>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-mythic ss-3x"></i>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-mythic ss-2x"></i>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-mythic ss-1x"></i>
<div class="columns small-12 medium-12 large-6">
<h3>Default Setsymbol, Mythic <small>(w/ gradient)</small></h3>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-mythic ss-grad ss-6x"></i>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-mythic ss-grad ss-5x"></i>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-mythic ss-grad ss-4x"></i>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-mythic ss-grad ss-3x"></i>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-mythic ss-grad ss-2x"></i>
<i class="ss ss-default ss-mythic ss-grad ss-1x"></i>
</div> <!-- /.row -->
<!-- old set symbol examples -->
<i class="ss ss-leg ss-3x ss-common"></i>
<i class="ss ss-leg ss-2x ss-common"></i>
<i class="ss ss-leg ss-common"></i>
Common (Legends)
<i class="ss ss-ons ss-3x ss-uncommon ss-grad"></i>
<i class="ss ss-ons ss-2x ss-uncommon"></i>
<i class="ss ss-ons ss-uncommon"></i>
Uncommon (Onslaught)
<i class="ss ss-fut ss-3x ss-rare ss-grad"></i>
<i class="ss ss-fut ss-2x ss-rare"></i>
<i class="ss ss-fut ss-rare"></i>
Rare (Future Sight)
<i class="ss ss-wwk ss-3x ss-mythic ss-grad"></i>
<i class="ss ss-wwk ss-2x ss-mythic"></i>
<i class="ss ss-wwk ss-mythic"></i>
Mythic Rare (Worldwake)
<!-- footer -->
<div class="row column">
<i class="ss ss-leg ss-3x ss-common"></i>
<i class="ss ss-leg ss-2x ss-common"></i>
<i class="ss ss-leg ss-common"></i>
Common (Legends)
<i class="ss ss-ons ss-3x ss-uncommon ss-grad"></i>
<i class="ss ss-ons ss-2x ss-uncommon"></i>
<i class="ss ss-ons ss-uncommon"></i>
Uncommon (Onslaught)
<i class="ss ss-fut ss-3x ss-rare ss-grad"></i>
<i class="ss ss-fut ss-2x ss-rare"></i>
<i class="ss ss-fut ss-rare"></i>
Rare (Future Sight)
<i class="ss ss-zen ss-3x ss-mythic ss-grad"></i>
<i class="ss ss-zen ss-2x ss-mythic"></i>
<i class="ss ss-zen ss-mythic"></i>
Mythic Rare (Worldwake)
Made with ♥ by <a href="http://andrewgioia.com">Andrew Gioia</a>
Made with ♥ by <a href="http://andrewgioia.com">Andrew Gioia</a>
</div> <!-- /.row -->
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