diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index f9b2f3b..e318617 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -4,6 +4,22 @@ Mana is a complete set of Magic: the Gathering mana, tap, and card type symbols as a pictographic font. You can use this font anywhere you want to display mana and tap symbols—in your MtG app or website, documents, card images, anything! +## Installing + +The easiest way to get Mana into your project is to use either the Bower or NPM packages, depending on your package manager: + +```shell +$> bower install mana +``` + +```shell +$> npm install mana-font +``` + +We've registered `mana` with [Bower](https://bower.io/#getting-started) and 'mana-font' with [NPM](https://docs.npmjs.com/getting-started/what-is-npm). Just install using the above commands in your project and you can edit anything as needed. + +You can also download the [zip file](https://github.com/andrewgioia/Mana/archive/master.zip) here at Github and use the font files and CSS files in your project as needed. + ## Usage Each mana symbol has its own font character. Display them in a manner similar to [Keyrune](http://andrewgioia.github.io/Keyrune) using the `` element and class syntax. Class name codes are based on textual mana symbol codes (like g for Green or 3 for, well, {3}). @@ -18,6 +34,12 @@ To use Mana, move the web font files to your `/fonts` directory and include the Feel free to edit the source files and compile Mana to fit your needs. Currently LESS is supported, with Sass coming soon. +## Using Mana on the Desktop + +If you'd like to use Mana as a desktop font (e.g., in a Word document) there are a few steps and things to know. First, to get it loaded on your system just download the [latest zip file](https://github.com/andrewgioia/Mana/archive/master.zip), extract it, and navigate to `Mana-master\fonts`. In there, install the `mana.ttf` font (typically by double clicking it). + +Mana uses [private use characters](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_Use_Areas) for the font glyphs so you unfortunately can't normally "type" anything in Word to see the symbols. To do so, open up the [Mana Cheatsheet](http://andrewgioia.github.io/Mana/cheatsheet.html) and copy the symbol you want, then paste it into Word (or whatever software you're using). + ## License All mana, tap, and card type symbol images are copyright Wizards of the Coast ([http://magicthegathering.com](http://magicthegathering.com))